Have you ever thought how much CO2 you emit during web surfing? Every minute of thousands of visitors, spending time browsing to a website averages about 1.2kg of CO2 emitted into our atmosphere.
At this time, maybe it's not a huge amount for an individual Web site, but imagine if you consider the amount of time you use the internet along with others, how much CO2 is the waste? Certainly be very much.
With so many issues of global warming currently available, what can we do?
One way is to create a Green Website. How? Simple way is like this... when we're browsing the Internet, sometimes we like to let the computer idle, either to the toilet, eating, make a phone call and other thing. When the computer idle, much energy will be wasted. To minimize the energy wasted when the computer abandoned, our website should be installed Standby Engine provided by onlineleaf.com. Maybe some of you already knowing about this, but i just wanna share with everyone who didn't know about this.
This standby engine is to deliver a fully functional and simple way to help your website run requiring less energy to generate. It hides heavy animations, covers the window in dark colors (as these, in many cases are less energy consuming) and pauses heavily running background processes.
This is an advertising? Of course not! Here, I just want to spread a good thing. I hope these small changes can make a good impact for all of us. So what are you waiting for? Make your green website now...! For more info please visit onlineleaf.com
Thanks for such a great idea. I will install this green website now...
i like your artikel friend...
wow good idea man...
wah info yg sangat bagus sob..kita tukeran link yuk.
ups, amazing info sob! i never think before that CO2 emitted into our atmosphere about 1.2kg when we spending time browsing to a website?! .. ck..ck..ck..
i already add your link, u can check here
ehm, if u dont mind, i'll take your idea about green website for my artikel blog, but in indonesian languange off course, because there are many people did'nt know about it,just like me before visited your blog.. but off course I will install this green website before..
sory i hove put wronk link in my comment before, i mean u can chek here. it's the right link.
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